PROMPTNatural Cement
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Prompt Natural Cement

A natural hydraulic binder manufactured from a single raw material.
Composition & manufacturing
PROMPT natural cement (PNC) is a natural hydraulic binder, manufactured from a single raw material.
From deposit to finish product, no additives are used hence its name natural cement.
It results from the simple firing, between 500°C and 1,200°C, of a clayey limestone with a regular composition extracted from homogeneous layers. The fired stone is then crushed and finely ground.
As the name suggests, its main characteristic is its quick setting and hardening. It reacts very quickly with water, making construction work easier. The rapid-setting properties of this versatile cement are due to its unique composition, making it an ideal material for various applications. Moreover, its resistance to aggressive water and marine environments makes PROMPT natural cement particularly suitable for repair work in water-related areas. Another distinctive feature is its natural light ochre color, perfect for the restoration of stones and old buildings.
Originating from France
Only one natural cement is currently industrially manufactured worldwide. It is called PROMPT natural cement and is produced by the Vicat Group in the Grenoble region. For over 180 years, an exceptional deposit in the Chartreuse massif has been exploited for its production.
PROMPT natural cement complies with the French standard NF P 15-314 and obtained European Technical Approval (ETA) in 2017.
Manufacturing backstages